AVE MARIA FALL FEST Invitation / Opportunity to learn about generous Scholarships: Attention high school and homeschool Juniors & Seniors (and parents), college students, and post graduates! You are invited to the annual Ave Maria Fall Fest on Saturday, November 5, 2022 in the EBA Café at Domino’s Farms in Ann Arbor. 5:30p–Dinner/6:15p–Program. Enjoy fall food favorites, sundae bar, and prizes. Meet admission representatives and alumni and learn about these generous scholarships: Ave Maria University: Michigan/Toledo Scholarships $28,000 ($7,000 per year). Ave Maria School of Law: Michigan/ Toledo Full-Tuition Scholarship (Plus 1st year Stipend). Event is FREE – Registration is required by Monday, October 31 to attend! For more information & to register go to AveMariaFoundation.org or call 734-930-3441.
